Urdu Teaching and Research Centre (UTRC), SOLAN

UTRC, Solan has been set up on 6th July 1973 on the special request of Himachal Pradesh Government which offers 10 months Urdu Language Training course for cognate group learners. It is currently running in a rented building having office and hostel facilities. Centre has Library, Language laboratory and infrastructure facilities. The own building of the Centre is under construction which will expected to be completed in next 4-5 months.

The Centre has provided language training to1188 trainees for 1 language as follows



Details of the Publication
  1. Urdu Genres

  2. Perso Arabic Plural Items

  3. Urdu Himachali Dictionary

  4. Unpublished: Intermediate course material

Contact Us

         Route Map

Dr.Pawan Kumar
  • Dr. Pawan Kumar
  • Principal i/c
  • Urdu Teaching and Research Centre (UTRC), Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173211
  • Phone No: 01792-293224, Email: utrcsolanoffice@gmail.com

        Sri Rajinder Raina
  • Sri Rajinder Raina
  • Office Superintendent
        Sh. Devendra Lingwal
  • Sh. Devendra Lingwal
  • UDC
        Sh. Girish Kumar
  • Sh. Girish Kumar
  • MTS